Convertible Sofas
Convertible Sofas are great for when your guests decide to spend the night or for when your space is limited and you need an extra bed space.
Convertible sofas have come a long way so you can now find the perfect match for your home. The neat thing about these sofas is the fact that you can have a normal functioning sofa all day long without anyone even realizing it’s actually a bed too.
Some convertible sofas actually have a pull out bed while other sort of “grow” to offer a little more space to the sofa for laying down. Whichever convertible sofa you choose, we are positive you will love it.
Convertible sofas can also be considered futons or even as sectional sofas. However, the main reason these are called convertibles is because of the transforming back and fourth aspect these sofas offer.
Browse our selection of the best convertible sofas and save money by shopping online today!
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